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Campfire Cinnamon Buns

Campfire Cinnamon Buns

So this one may not be made from scratch, but it sure is nostalgic. If you didn’t have these the morning after an elementary school slumber party, was it even a party? We’re not going to lie, we were a bit skeptical this would work over the fire, but after testing out two different methods we were pleasantly surprised! We gave it a go on a roasting stick, and then again with the cast iron skillet and although both got the job done, we have to say the cast iron was the winner! A little crisp on the outside, but perfectly gooey on the inside. We added extra cinnamon and sugar and walnuts just because, and paired with some cream cheese icing and wow.


  • Pillsbury Cinnamon Buns (thawed but still cold)
  • 1 Cream Cheese Icing Packet


  1. Grease cast iron skillet and evenly place slightly thawed (but still cool) cinnamon buns.
  2. Cook cinnamon rolls over a campfire, being sure to flip as you go to prevent burning while ensuring they are fully baked through.
  3. The rolls will start to rise within 5-10 minutes, allowing you to see that the dough is cooking through to the centre.
  4. Once baked through, remove the skillet from the fire and allow time to cool. Add cream cheese icing and enjoy!